The APGA Annual Convention and Exhibition has developed a reputation over recent years as a must
attend event for the gas, oil, water and slurry pipeline industry. Attendees include chief executives,
pipeline managers, industry professionals and consultants, technical, commercial and legal
personnel, engineers, health, safety and environmental managers and government representatives
from within Australia and overseas.
The 51st Annual Convention of the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) was held at the
Adelaide Convention Centre from 12 to 15 October 2019 and covered a range of issues within the
theme: Infrastructure for the Future.
APGA’s Annual Convention brings together participants from all sectors of the pipeline industry as well
as other industries associated with natural gas and the transportation of energy, slurry and water. This
major annual industry event provides a wealth of information in the business sessions, and the social
events allow for extensive networking opportunities. The Australian pipeline industry is respected
worldwide and APGA’s broad membership base provides knowledge and information to transfer to the
next generation of experts.
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