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Volvo Wheel Loader Joins The Brooks Hire Fleet

This brand new L120F Volvo Wheel Loader is the newest addition to the Brooks Hire Fleet. Take a look at the specs here.

Brooks Hire Service are proud to welcome this Volvo L120F Wheel Loader to our fleet of high quality machines.

The Volvo L120F wheel loader has been designed with optimal production in mind leading to a flexible all-rounder. The L120F gives even better conditions for quickly and easily performing heavy and precision-demanding applications in gravel pits, lumber yards, harbours, goods terminals, and industries. The TP-linkage's breakout torque and parallel movement, the attachment bracket, and Volvo genuine attachments – the market's widest range of attachments – enable the wheel loaders to handle all types of production and service jobs.

To hire this machine, call 1300 BROOKS (276 657)

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